File handling in Python

Elshad Karimov
3 min readApr 17, 2024
Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

File handling in Python refers to the process of performing operations on a file, such as opening, reading, writing, and closing it. Python provides built-in functions and methods that allow you to easily handle various file operations, eliminating the need for more complex and error-prone low-level file management techniques.

Key Concepts in Python File Handling

  1. Opening a File: Python uses the open() function to open a file. This function returns a file object and commonly takes two parameters: the file path and the mode (e.g., 'r' for reading, 'w' for writing).

2. Reading from a File: Once a file is opened in reading mode, methods like read(), readline(), or readlines() can be used to read the file's content.

3. Writing to a File: To write to a file, it must be opened in write (‘w’), append (‘a’), or exclusive creation (‘x’) mode. Methods like write() or writelines() are used to output text to the file.

4. Closing a File: After finishing with a file, it should always be closed by calling the close() method. This releases system resources back to the operating system and ensures that all data is properly written to the file.

5. With Statement: Python encourages the use of the with statement for file handling as it automatically takes care of closing…



Elshad Karimov
Elshad Karimov

Written by Elshad Karimov

Software Engineer, Udemy Instructor and Book Author, Founder at AppMillers

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