📦 Day 38 of #100DaysOfCode in Python: Mastering Packaging and Distribution

Elshad Karimov
3 min readDec 26, 2023

Welcome to Day 38! Today, we focus on an essential aspect of Python development: packaging and distributing your Python projects. This skill is key to sharing your code with the wider Python community.

1. Understanding Python Packages

A Python package is a way of organizing Python code into “modules”, which are simply Python files. A package allows you to structure your Python code in a manageable and coherent manner, enabling reuse across different projects and by different users.

2. Creating a Python Package

To create a package, you need to:

  • Organize Your Code: Arrange your Python scripts into directories and subdirectories. Each directory containing Python scripts should have a __init__.py file (can be empty) to be recognized as a Python package.
  • Setup File: Create a setup.py file at the root of your directory. This file includes details about your package like name, version, description, dependencies, etc.

from setuptools import setup, find_packages

from setuptools import setup, find_packages




Elshad Karimov
Elshad Karimov

Written by Elshad Karimov

Software Engineer, Udemy Instructor and Book Author, Founder at AppMillers

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